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Conservativism = Big Banks


There  has never been a clearer signpost to the reality of American politics in my lifetime than this period in which we're living. This reality is that no matter how much racism and fake patriotism the conservatives who represent the conservative movement try to dress up in, the only thing that will ever matter to them is preserving the power of Wall Street to exploit average people.

To steal from them.

We all watched as Bush's corporate conservative economy crashed and burned, how the banks held our jobs for ransom and stole our retirements. Deregulation created a new Great Depression. Only time tested liberal government prevented it from happening.

But tonight's vote by the senate to go on permitting monopolies in the banking system has never made the political decision in America more clear. The political Left in this country are the only ones that stand for average people. It's the Left that is synonymous with the welfare of average people. It's not conservatism. It never has been.

Only three Republicans voted to prevent monopolies in the banking system. Only three.

The Democrats who joined them are predominantly conservative.

This vote makes it crystal clear for Americans in my opinion. They've got no excuse for voting stupidly in 2010 other than blind ignorant rage and whatever other demons they're bringing with it (which is of course why conservatives did what they did to our economy).

Three Republicans... voted with 30 Democrats, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, in support of the provision.


Under Brown-Kaufman, no bank could hold more than 10 percent of the total amount of insured deposits, and a limit would have been placed on liabilities of a single bank to two percent of GDP.

In practice, the amendment required the six biggest banks -- Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley -- to significantly scale down their size. It was touted as a way to end Too Big To Fail.


The top 12 banks in the U.S. control half the country's deposits. By comparison, it took 25 banks to accomplish this feat in 2003 and 42 banks in 1998


That's the ratio of Democrats to Republicans who actually care about Mainstreet.

Anybody voting for a Conservative in 2010 is a stone cold dupe.

Conservatism = Big Banks.

It always has. Reagan, Bush family, Mitt Romney. Give me a break.

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